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Shunyata DF mini cable elevator ( 12 pck )

€ 185,00

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Shunyata DF mini cable elevator ( 12 pck )


Shunyata Research's Dark Field Mini Cable Elevator's are the most cost-effective and efficient method of delivering superior performance through cable isolation. They can be used by placing them between cables as they connect to components and behind rack systems. They can be used in between and among rack shelves and on the floor, all as a means of separating signal cables from one another, especially those that run in parallel.

Dark Field Mini Cable Elevator's form an ideal interface as a means of separating power cords and signal cables from one another, as well as away from electronics. They create valuable distance from AC outlets and power distributors. Not only do the DFE Mini's help organize a mess in cables, they actually optimize performance by minimizing radiated electromagnetic noise interference between components and cable systems, as well as between noise sensitive power and signal cabling that often physically cross each others paths.

The Dark Field Mini Cable Elevator's cumulative performance signature when installed in any top audio/video system is unmistakable. They will noticeably improve visual and audible resolution in all film and sound systems to an obvious degree. The Dark Field Mini Cable Elevator's are also an ideal system counterpart to the original award-winning Dark Field Cable Elevator's. When used together, the DFE Mini's and Dark Field Cable Elevator's provide an entire systems worth of isolation that literally any system will benefit from and any budget can afford. The DFE Mini's have already been thoroughly tested in some of the film and audio industry's most demanding environments with overwhelming success.

The patent pending technology within the Dark Field Mini Cable Elevator's is very similar to the Dark Field Cable Elevator's. Their essential function is to physically isolate cables from one another and from near electronics, metals, carpets, wood and other surfaces, reducing and mitigating the effects that EMI causes between power cords and signal cables, signal cables and speaker cables, components, AC outlets, video devices, various flooring etc. There are an almost endless variety of applications for the Dark Field Mini Cable Elevator's in and around audio/video systems, and at their very low price they are likely to become the most popular product in their category.
